Pre-order Once Upon a TIME 13.81 … Today!

Once Upon A TIME 13.81 BILLION YEARS AGO Book / News  / Pre-order Once Upon a TIME 13.81 … Today!

As of July 11, 2017, the Book, Once Upon a TIME 13.81 BILLION YEARS AGO, has now embarked on its own remarkable Journey into the annuls of TIME with its own Website, a video trailer on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, and pre-order opportunities on Amazon as well as a special Author’s personally signed copy pre-order with free US shipping on the book’s website,

Beginning August 22, 2017, Once Upon a TIME 13.81 BILLION YEARS AGO, will be available at Book Stores, Amazon, and the book’s Website, as well as eBook versions from Amazon and the book’s website. The shipping opportunity and cost for International customers will also become available on or before August 22, 2017.  

It should be noted that pre-order sales will be very brisk, so be sure and get your Book ordered today!   

You’ll also want to be sure of look for further announcements on the book’s website regarding exciting new “Coming Soon” website STORE opportunities as well as future events.

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